not keen on ptfe tape and stuff myself for hydraulic lines, so what loctite thread sealer can be used on clutches and brakes?
what ones are safe? got a thread i just can't stop leaking. doesn't help with it being on the clutch slave, in the bell housing, where i
can't really get a spanner on it properly.
if there isn't one, i don't fancy it as another engine out job... not filled the brakes properly yet, don't think they leak.
tbh, i'd be a bit unsure about using any type of thread sealer in the brakes, but when needs must,..
any recommendations?
peferably one i can get in halfords
[Edited on 2/10/11 by blakep82]
Surely you haven't got a tapered thread on a slave cylinder? I be surprised if you did, and therefore I wouldn't want tape or sealant
anywhere near it. Isn't it just a regular flare on the pipe end?
yep regular straight threads, but thinking about it, the slave is aluminium, the flexible hose has a flared pipe part to it, with a swivel nut, but is
stainless steel, so won't squash to the shape of the fitting like a flared copper pipe would.
all of the fittings i have are stainless into steel or aluminium
i def don't want tape on them, but i think some sort of sealer might be needed...
Copper washer? that's what seems to be used on a lot of wheel cylinders on older cars. Relies on the thead not bottoming out of course.
Otherwise maybe a lengthy of copper/kunifer pipe to join the flexi to the slave? I would avoid sealants here, it isn't the place. How is the
slave fitted in the OE application, should give you a clue.
the slave cylinder is the rally design one, and they only sell flexi hoses to go into it, so thats all i can assume from that.
the fitting does bottom out in the hole i think, will need to have another look to be sure. its not a banjo bolt into it either. not a fan of
hydraulic brake and clutch lines now...
will try and get under for another look. i guess its looking like a engine/gearbox out job again...
Contact RD and ask them about it. They ought to know the answer
In 44 years in the motor trade I have never used sealant on a brake pipe or hose and the same applies to clutch hydraulics.
fair play! 44 years beats my 2 weeks!
maybe i'll have to modify a deep socket to get in, or a sort of box spanner, to allow the hose to come out the side.
i really hope it just needs an extra tighten which i currently can't do due to where it is. i've done the best i can with it how it is
inagine a 2" x 4" cut out in the bell housing, with the hose nut about 1" deep intside it. the best way i can get a spanner on is at an
angle, and i can't turn it any tighter