I think I need to increase the jet size of my Holly accelerator pump jets from .025" to .032" (or possibly bigger) because of a massive bog
and 2 X backfires before the engine accelerates like hell when you floor the accelerator when cruising at lowish speed.
Any technique I should be aware of before drilling to make sure the hole is good and round - I guess the highest speed and ultra slow feed rate with
lubrication is the secret but am I right.
The reason I am drilling and not buying a bigger jet is that although standard jets are available in RSA larger ones are not so if drilling
doesn't work I can always go back to standard for about 2 Pounds a jet.
Do you have a lathe?
With a drill that small it would be the easiest option.... But yes, high RMPS slow feed and a suitable lube for the material
I drill out LPG nozzles from 1.2mm upwards.
A simple Jewellers Spiral "Push Drill" (sometimes called an Archimedes drill) will do the job with sufficient accuracy but it will
take about 30 minutes for each jet to drill through. A Dremmel type tool will also do the job but will require and patience to produce an
accurate hole.
To do jet drilling at the track we always just used to hold a loose chuck with the drill bit in it in the hand and turn the jet onto the drill with
the other hand. We may have held the jet in a tap holder. The brass (at least with the jets we used) was soft enough.
It's not like the hole needs to be a precision fit.
Fred W B
[Edited on 25/1/12 by Fred W B]
Put the drill bit in a vice and twist the jet by hand
A pin vice and a steady hand works perfectly.
i just used a normal drill bit, a cordless drill, and did them by hand. Took a few seconds on each.
Thanks all for advice - seems like slow feed is the answer otherwise any speed from dead slow to fast works. Now to decide what size to drill them. I think I will go up in 10% increments - i.e. approximately 20% increases in flow.
If you go too big you can close them up again with solder and redrill
Fred W B
Take carbs apart. Take to a bike shop.... Give them £20-25 and let them do it. Pick up later all done :-)
Originally posted by jossey
Take carbs apart. Take to a bike shop.... Give them £20-25 and let them do it. Pick up later all done :-)
Originally posted by JoelP
i just used a normal drill bit, a cordless drill, and did them by hand. Took a few seconds on each.