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Band Saws for quick change angle cutting?
FASTdan - 3/5/12 at 01:59 PM

I currently use a TCT cut-off saw for cutting aluminium pipe for the manufacture of my manifolds. However as some will know these are incredibly loud and anti-social!

Are there any bandsaws (without spending thousands) that have an accurate, easy and quick angle adjustment?

The cut off saws are incredibly simple and quick to change angles due to the 'turntable' base - im not sure there are band saws out there that offer the same versatility?

The other option is a vertical band saw and hand feed the tube at the required angle (the tubes are marked around their entire circumference so can be cut by eye).

twybrow - 3/5/12 at 03:09 PM

Plenty of bandsaws have tilting beds, usualy to 45 degrees. - it will depend upon your idea of cheap, but it is doable.... Accuracy will always be an issue witha bandsaw, due to the nature of the flexible blade...

FASTdan - 3/5/12 at 03:35 PM

Do they? Im not that familiar with whats available and the pics on the net are hard to make out - and its not the sort of thing you can easily go view. I appreciate a lot have the tilt facility, but are they marked up in degree increments etc as thats what I really need to keep the process quick.

It probably takes me 20 secs to change angle and move the workpiece between cuts on the chop saw.

I dont think the flexible blade will introduce enough error for me to worry with what I do.

TAZZMAXX - 3/5/12 at 04:21 PM

I have an FMB Titan G bandsaw that has quick change angle adjustment and it's one of the best pieces of equipment I've ever bought. I always used to be against bandsaws as the majority have no accuracy at all but this is in a league of it's own. The blade runs through carbide guide pads and has diagonally opposed guide rollers that remove the blade twist so that it runs dead true in the guides. FMB do manufacture smaller saws than this but this one is a good, general purpose machine for me.

These are the people who supplied it

Even if you decide against the cost of a saw like these, at least you can see what's out there. Bianco are another good make.

Edit: additionally, both of these saws have fixed vices and the bow moves, rotating about the fixed jaw of the vice. The angle marks are below the vice on a graduated scale just like a cutoff saw.

[Edited on 3/5/12 by TAZZMAXX]

[Edited on 3/5/12 by TAZZMAXX]