Hi Folks,
this isn't going to go well, as my brother puts it, BUT, I've recently become aware of Kinect fusion that was released last month.
I'm also aware of the various scanning techniques using kinect, but fusion interests me as I can wave the sensor about the place and scan a full
vehicle (ok yes I need a very serious pc, but that's one of the things on the "list"!!)
Anybody know anything about doing this sort of thing, and what exactly is kinect fusion, reading up on microsoft info suggests a piece of software
capable of handling the scan through to outputting a full .stl file........ this sounds too good to be true....???
Stupid question but how do i get this software, not very clear on microsoft site!!
Kinect SDK has kinect fusion binaries included - just download that...
I find http://reconstructme.net/ has the edge...
you reckon that's better than microsoft's effort? (I have no idea, that's a genuine question!)
next question, can i use an xbox type kinect with reconstructme or does it need to be a kinect for windows?
ok, I've found the ability to read and had a look at the recontructme site, looks like an xbox sensor is fine.
Guess if I want to use the files in pro engineer then I need to get the paid for version, 149 euro seems cheap though as long as it is reasonably easy
to use
last question, Reconstructme suggests a scan volume of 1 cubic metre, I'm looking at considerably bigger objects than that......what are the
Fusion seems to suggest no limitation other than data handling and storage?
Bigger scan volumes are quite possible, you just need to create a custom config file - you will find your cpu/gfx to be the limitation - I tend to
record, and then playback the 3d stream so I'm not having to skip frames....
Remember the files are only meshes - they are not true solid/curve files - helpful to compare and size objects against though
I don't think you need the paid version - unless it's a commercial project
I think fusion will overtake it pretty quickly
our laser scanner can do large volumes ....
you need to mesh them together after you scan the smaller volumes .... the convert all your points that you have taken which will be in millions then
covert to a mesh ... the software has to be pretty trick to do it properly and accurately especially when you have to join meshes together .
i dont know anything about kinect fusion tho .....lol
well, given the cost of the alternatives, and the potential for our business, I'm buying a kinect for windows and as much processor and gpu power
as i can afford, and we'll have a play and see what happens.
I've been promised some help from someone who is currently developing kinect industrial applications, so fingers crossed!!