Whats the word on stainless rivets? are they worth using over regular aluminium ones?
use them at work sometimes, (free supply for build if i wanted em) but used ally on build.
Why, there buggers to put in, need much more effort, if your doing it by hand its hard work, there buggers to drill out if you need too, all IMHO but
ide go ally every time.
I got a free sample of plastic covers for the rivet heads from Infast wich i used on the Isonblade many moons ago, they came in all colours, i used
yellow to match the yellow piping on the green seats, i thought they looked cool too, dunno if there still available.
Thanks, did wonder if more effort required to fit. Will use the alloy ones that came in the kit
ally ones will no doubt be lighter than the stainless ones
I use standard open monel (extremely strong) blind rivets, dome head, steel mandrel.
Only bind is - £44.80 per 1,000 plus carriage
Primary Fasteners Limited :
Tel 0121 247 5191
Fax 0870 706 2248
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[Edited on 4/11/04 by Terrapin_racing]
[Edited on 4/11/04 by Terrapin_racing]
£6 for 500 from local fastener supplier.
Alumium will corrode rapidly in contact with stainless , i could have got all my rivets for free if i used stainless but opted for closed end ally
ones.These were only about £8 for 500
Well, you do get what you pay for
Monel is more expensive, but will not corrode or exhibit any galvanic reactions as can stainless steel and aluminium.