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Surface Plates
liam.mccaffrey - 8/7/14 at 08:56 AM

A old friend of mine once told me that he made himself a granite surface plate using a combination of lapping and scraping 3 pieces of broken granite worktop. Apparently he was able to bring it to an “astounding level of flatness” (in his own words).

Whilst I don’t have the time or patience to do this I still think its very interesting and would like to know more.

Whilst I understand the principle, does anyone know anything about the process or is able to point me to a guide/book/website.


Liam Mc

hughpinder - 8/7/14 at 09:50 AM

Have a look at this description, it is pretty simple if you already have a reference surface plate - it is basically what I've done in the past (I've only done metal ones though).

Or I believe photocopier glass is flat enough to basically be a surface plate for most uses and can be had for next to nothing from a scrap photocopier.


pewe - 8/7/14 at 09:52 AM

Depends on how much you need to do but whenever I've needed to surface small items (bike carbs etc.) I've visited the local glass shop and bought an off-cut of plate glass.
Combined with valve grinding compound - coarse and fine the results are pretty good.
Cheers, Pewe10
PS No news on the Animal - sorry.

designer - 8/7/14 at 10:02 AM

Yes, standard plate glass is all that is required.

liam.mccaffrey - 8/7/14 at 02:49 PM

Thanks guys, interesting stuff.

Animal has gone @Pewe

David Jenkins - 8/7/14 at 07:32 PM

I believe that the point of using 3 plates is that you don't need a separate reference plate. You start with 3 plates, make them as flat as possible with the resources available (mill, surface grinder, etc.) then use one against another across all of the plates. Plate A is used with blue against plate B, then A against C, B against C, over and over until you end up with 3 good surface plates.

Found a description! linky - there's a vague description near the bottom of the page.

I do know that scraping a surface is a skill I don't have - I tried it once, and found it much much harder than it looks when an expert does it (like many skills!)

[Edited on 8/7/14 by David Jenkins]