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Beautiful engines, and their creator
David Jenkins - 22/8/14 at 05:47 PM

I know that many people on here are fascinated by engineering, and also model engines. Here is a glimpse of the work of a genius... a 1/4 scale turbo V8.

Boring bit of nerdism - the lathe in the background is a Colchester Student Mk1 (round top) just like mine - but I bet his isn't anywhere near as worn!

liam.mccaffrey - 23/8/14 at 07:55 AM

Lovely work.

I lathe spot too, Burt Munroe in the worlds fastest indian had a myford ML7 in his shed

Non custom - 27/9/14 at 11:38 AM

Very cool those miniature engines ,would love one myself haha