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Laser Metal Cutting Scotland
mangogrooveworkshop - 4/1/05 at 11:33 PM

Any tips on places to try!
Knowing our willing engineering shops round
here its easier to send it to hong kong to be done.

ceebmoj - 5/1/05 at 07:20 AM

hi ther is a good place in glasgow on the a/m8 where I got some stuff done thay are very helpfull and spent a good bit of time helping me I will look up the number for you.

mangogrooveworkshop - 5/1/05 at 02:04 PM

Thanks dude

Volvorsport - 5/1/05 at 03:11 PM

my M8 works at micrometrics in lincoln - you know the place where they made ayrton sennas steering rack - if you got a worthwhile project ill have a word .

12a RX-7 - 5/1/05 at 06:03 PM

have you tried looking for water jet cutting too ?