Just had this thrust into my internet.
As crap as some of these "shopping channel" things are I thought it was quite a good idea.
Looking at them , theres a few different ones on the bay of China
Originally posted by ReMan
Just had this thrust into my internet.
As crap as some of these "shopping channel" things are I thought it was quite a good idea.
Looking at them , theres a few different ones on the bay of China
https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rivet-Pop-Gun-Adaptor-For-Cordless-Drill-Electric-Nut-Riveting-Riveter-Insert-BL/224084149192?hash=item342c74c3c8:g:XzIAAOS w2Zld7h1c
Tbh I find lazy tongs super easy unless it's a tight location
I have one, they work really well. But you have to use them with a battery powered drill or screwdriver. A mains powered drill doesn't have the initial torque, they just stall.
I've wondered about getting a powered riveter - often see the air powered versions. I'll probably buy that unless someone shouts "don't"
read lots of reviews ........ i'm not buying it.
Common complaints are its very slow at a maximim 2 rivets a minute, struggling to remove the rivet shank after rivetting and lots of reports of
failure. Someone disassembled theirs (no guarentee they're all the same) but it pulls on a very small thread. They did break theirs pulling
stainless rivets which i think is probably asking a bit much, others didn't say what rivet they used.
I bought one of these on eBay a while ago.
Air Riveter
I have only used it lightly but it seems quite good.
Capable of installing at a fast rate
I bought a pneumatic one when had to set hundreds of rivets putting the floor into the Phoenix. Greatest thing since sliced bread in my opinion. I
paid quite a lot for mine but this one looks very similar for not much money and a 3 year warranty. It even claims to do stainless. let me make it
clear that I know nothing about this having only just come across it and am not recommending it; just pointing it out. But I do like SGS products
Originally posted by John Bonnett
I bought a pneumatic one when had to set hundreds of rivets putting the floor into the Phoenix. Greatest thing since sliced bread in my opinion. I paid quite a lot for mine but this one looks very similar for not much money and a 3 year warranty. It even claims to do stainless. let me make it clear that I know nothing about this having only just come across it and am not recommending it; just pointing it out. But I do like SGS products
https://www.sgs-engineering.com/es1000-450kg-engine-stand?gclid=CjwKCAjwzvX7BRAeEiwAsXExo-UO0IJU_mzxm4x7l3cycGJmlGgohx6U1jl6NvfabVdf4UJadjwU6BoCEokQAv D_BwE
Originally posted by ste
Originally posted by John Bonnett
I bought a pneumatic one when had to set hundreds of rivets putting the floor into the Phoenix. Greatest thing since sliced bread in my opinion. I paid quite a lot for mine but this one looks very similar for not much money and a 3 year warranty. It even claims to do stainless. let me make it clear that I know nothing about this having only just come across it and am not recommending it; just pointing it out. But I do like SGS products
https://www.sgs-engineering.com/es1000-450kg-engine-stand?gclid=CjwKCAjwzvX7BRAeEiwAsXExo-UO0IJU_mzxm4x7l3cycGJmlGgohx6U1jl6NvfabVdf4UJadjwU6BoCEokQAv D_BwE
What's an engine stand got to do with rivets
back to the good old (blistery) hand rvetter it is then :-)