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New desktop laser tool for cutting and engraving
krlthms - 24/2/05 at 06:47 PM

Anyone seen this?


clbarclay - 24/2/05 at 07:26 PM

$9995 thats about 6 grand (pounds sterling).
I think I will stick with the pencil for now.

rusty nuts - 24/2/05 at 07:28 PM

Today on radio 2 the pound was quoted as being worth 1.91 dollars, still a lot of money.

colibriman - 24/2/05 at 07:36 PM

I'm sure it's a cool piece of kit..
its outta my league though for 3 reasons....

1. It's $10k

2. It's $10k and don't have wheels

3. It's $10k and don't have spark plugs

indykid - 25/2/05 at 10:13 AM

but for an extra $875 you can have the integrated cart, so at least it would then have wheels


colibriman - 25/2/05 at 10:20 AM


Now you got my attention....