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just broke my M4 rivnet tool
shades - 28/8/05 at 11:44 AM

Anyone found a suppier for spare rivnet mandrels where I can order a handfull?

liam.mccaffrey - 28/8/05 at 12:48 PM


watch the video called DIY rivnut instalation.

Hellfire - 28/8/05 at 02:51 PM

Cant you use a High Tensile M4 Bolt with the head cut off?

That's what we used...

Lars - 28/8/05 at 03:43 PM

genius it works.
Just broke my tool yesterday so this made my day.
BTW I used a M5 bolt, makes it easier.

shades - 28/8/05 at 04:00 PM

hellfire, Not sure what you mean? how will the bolt head cut off help? The maderal seems to have a reverse head on the opposite end from the M4 and its prob about a M8 thread?

DarrenW - 30/8/05 at 02:31 PM

The mandrel / threaded stud on my rivnut tool that screws into the rivnut itself will unscrew from the tool and a new stud can be screwed in. Ive just had to do this with my M6 mandrel - made from a M^ bolt with the head cut off.

Avoneer - 30/8/05 at 09:23 PM

Originally posted by liam.mccaffrey

watch the video called DIY rivnut instalation.

Why does that video make it look so bloody easy. They must be ali rivnuts, but they never seemed that easy when I was using my Laset tool!
