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Fantastic Stuff
DorsetStrider - 4/4/06 at 09:02 AM

I don't know if any of you guys are aware of this stuff but I've used it in the past and trust me it's fantastic stuff.

Possibly good for making those replacement plastic parts you've just hit with a hammer.

As I said I've used it in the past and thought it was great but thought they didn't sell it over here anymore.... then guess what turns up at maplins?

--->>>Polymorph Linky<<<---

NigeEss - 4/4/06 at 09:23 AM

Looks good but are you restricted to making parts that stay below 62deg ?

DorsetStrider - 4/4/06 at 09:51 AM

yes.... at 62deg is goes plyable again for reuse.

But remember that's 62deg Centigrade not far.....feir....f...pha.....the other type of temperature.

I was thinking it could be useful for wiring connections, brake line holders (not sure what Mr SVA would think about it), door/boot handles, for making moulds for GF etc etc

Peteff - 4/4/06 at 10:00 AM

And what would your GirlFriend want made out of this? Lisa asked if you could make a mould for candles It looks interesting as you could make small components from it or a buck then a mould for two part polyurethane mix.

[Edited on 4/4/06 by Peteff]