anyone good at selecting these? been looking around for something to buff up some alloy bits i've got lying around (manifolds, alternator
casings, cam covers etc)
looking on ebay at different buffing wheels but there seems to be a few different ones to chose from and i'm not sure what to go for.
THIS PLACE has a selection to go at.
or how about this kit
any advice?
Got mine from Machine Mart £12.87.Fits in a drill. 2x buff wheels 1x spindle and soap. Works really well. imho
Check my manifold pic in archive for example.
We use K and M supplies from Sheffield tel 0114 247 4733 for a catalogue, they haven't heard of on line shopping or any of that new fangled stuff, but are very cheap for mops and polishing compounds, the kids seem to spend a lot of time buffing- therapeutic I guess!
Ideally you need a kit that has the arbors to fit on a bench grinder. If you have a 6" grinder you will need a RH 1/2" arbour, 8"
grinder has a 5/8" shaft.
If you can get to a good classic or Kit car show, there are usually dealers selling buffing mops and kits much cheaper than Ebay etc.
At Stoneleigh, I got 8" mops for £12 a pair.
The smaller mops are OK for small items, but they are very time consuming and don't last very long.
Depending on what power source you are using, the bigger the better!
It's a lot easier to hold the piece onto the fixed buffer, than to buff using a drill etc.
Cheers John
[Edited on 25/5/06 by johnjulie]
Ive used (or was it good service and resaonable prices.