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anyone with a small lathe?
02GF74 - 8/11/06 at 12:09 PM

It looks like I need to ahve a smaller lenght of brass (or steel) rod drilled with a 3 mm hole? It is to put onto a small motor spindle.

anyone willing to undertake this for a beer token? I will supply rod - there is no way I can drill this myself for it to be concentric although will try some brake pipe.

Gav - 8/11/06 at 12:29 PM

I can do it,
ive evan got a few lengths of brass rod but they arnt very big in diameter iirc 16mm, let me know the sizes and ill see what i can do.

RichardK - 8/11/06 at 01:01 PM

Electrical wire connector block? Maybe not long enough but thought it may do.

