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What is an F type torque wrench?
smart51 - 18/4/07 at 12:18 PM

The Yamaha service manual specifies the use of an F type torque wrench for tightening the conrod big end bolts. What is an F type torque wrench?

andyace - 18/4/07 at 12:33 PM

Peteff - 18/4/07 at 12:43 PM

One that goes "click" ?

smart51 - 18/4/07 at 01:21 PM

That would seem to make sense as the instructions say once you have passed 20Nm you must not stop ontil 36 Nm is reached. If you stop you must slacken to less than 20Nm then do it again.

I guess I could use a clicky type and set it to 15 or 17Nm then reset to 36 and do it in 1 sweep.

Peteff - 19/4/07 at 09:23 AM

When we did the head gasket on a nephew's car it was like a black magic spell tightening the bolts down, tighten to 50psi then leave for 10 minutes then tighten to 75psi and turn round 3 times chanting the name of your first born with your eyes closed, then tighten another 90°. They were about 90psi when they were done.