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Types of thinners to use
Simon W - 26/5/07 at 02:58 PM

I am planning ahead on what type of treatment I am going to give my chassis. I have decided I am going to give it a coat of red oxide primer following by some hardwearing back industrial floor paint. What type of thinners (synthetic, cellulose etc..) should I be using with oxide primer and something like the below?


Mark Allanson - 26/5/07 at 03:08 PM

Surely arn't you better using the stuff designed for the job? Try this 300082570707

Simon W - 26/5/07 at 03:22 PM

Yeh, undecided on the paint at the moment. So what thinners for red oxide primer?

Syd Bridge - 26/5/07 at 05:26 PM

I use the cheap cellulose 'gunwash' stuff with the red oxide. But Mark would probably give me a slap on the head for doing it!!

( I also use the same stuff for fuel in the grasstracker. 130 octane or thereabouts )

Mark Allanson - 26/5/07 at 06:25 PM

Slap on head duely applied

Celly thinners will break down the binder, making the paint less durable, I am fairly sure you should use turpentine, but white spirit should be ok

Simon W - 26/5/07 at 07:39 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
I am fairly sure you should use turpentine, but white spirit should be ok

What ratio?

Mark Allanson - 27/5/07 at 12:56 AM

How thick is the paint you have bought?

If spraying it (use serious HSE equipment, lead is poisonous!), thin it to about 20secs using a viscosity cup, or to the thickness if single cream is using guessosity job!If brushing it, dont dilute at all, thin it by mixing VERY thoroughly, screwfix do a great electric drill twizzy thing for a few pennies

Simon W - 28/5/07 at 10:14 PM

Originally posted by Mark Allanson
If spraying it (use serious HSE equipment, lead is poisonous!), thin it to about 20secs using a viscosity cup, or to the thickness if single cream is using guessosity job!If brushing it, dont dilute at all, thin it by mixing VERY thoroughly, screwfix do a great electric drill twizzy thing for a few pennies

Are you referring to the red oxide primer containing lead or my chassis paint? I am just going to be using something like the below for respirator:

If its the primer thats the problem then I will just roller the primer on.

Mark Allanson - 29/5/07 at 07:27 PM

Roller the lead, spray the chassis black if you need to, the ebay mask is very marginal, designed for dust and LOW toxic vapour, I would use a gloss roller for it all, you will use about 50% less paint

Simon W - 29/5/07 at 09:32 PM

Thanks for the advice Mark, I will give the mini gloss roller a go!