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2 Quick Questions
speedyxjs - 9/6/07 at 07:28 AM

1) Has anyone got a pic of the cutting with an angle grinder? i just want to make sure i am doing it at the right angle (i suspect not)

2) What settings should i start my mig welder at for 25mm steel?

I want to do some practice and hopefully start the chassis tomorrow (just need to brush up my unused for 2 year skills)

..::Nightfire::.. - 9/6/07 at 07:31 AM

Cutting is best done at 90 deg. Cutting disks are not designed to take sideways pressure.


zzr1100rick2 - 9/6/07 at 08:10 AM

25mm steel thats going to be one heavy chassis if its 25 mm box section what is the wall thickness ?

speedyxjs - 9/6/07 at 08:14 AM

Originally posted by zzr1100rick2
25mm steel thats going to be one heavy chassis if its 25 mm box section what is the wall thickness ?

2mm sorry thats what i meant to say
Im not too bothered about weight.

Peteff - 9/6/07 at 08:20 AM

Set it high and work your way down till you stop blowing holes. Without knowing how powerful your welder is the question is a bit vague.

speedyxjs - 9/6/07 at 08:28 AM

sorry its a clarke 151te

Alex B - 9/6/07 at 11:17 AM

Would guess at just under 3/4 power with that welder on 2mm. Get some cuts and play with them for settings. Nice wee welder that for a budget unit.


davie h - 9/6/07 at 01:31 PM

im using the 151te and have it set to max and positon 2 on the next switch and wire speed set to 7 gas set to between 3 and 4 this set up suits me and i get good results with practice bits i have doneand it does sound like frying bacon when i am welding. i am only tacking my chassis at the minute so this may change

ps i am no expert so someone may come along and say something different

speedyxjs - 9/6/07 at 07:58 PM

Thanks guys. Davie H, i actually used those settings and they work well, thanks