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Ait Tool Failures
Cubby - 20/8/07 at 01:58 PM

Hi all,

Has any one any experience of air tool
failures .

I've had 2 impact wrenches and 2 ratchet wrenches all failed in on the first use or 2 second time out. The problem seems to be when the bolt reaches tightness i.e the unit goes on ratchet and after that it doesn't work . Air passess thro the tool but nothing else happens.
All the tools were from different manufacturers and so can't blame a dodgey batch.
The compressor pressure was also well within the stated operating pressure range and the units were oiled before use.
Any help really appreciated as this is causing me a fortune in replacement units !
Surely these tools can't be that sensitive.

twybrow - 20/8/07 at 02:01 PM

I have sometimes had air tools jam. Normally I found you can free them up (by yanking on the rotating/reciprocating section until it clear. And make sure you always use the correct air tool oil.... Otherwise no, I would not expect them to break so readily.

thunderace - 20/8/07 at 02:02 PM

ok did you get them from or aldi or lidl
as im sure there was a prob with them someone on here said how to fix it easy. cant remember who but it was the same fault as yours.

Cubby - 20/8/07 at 02:12 PM

No not from Aldi or Lidl

1 set was from S.I.P and the other set was by AM-Tech.

Are they sensitive to the pressure operating pressure range . It's almost like a seal blows in the unit somewhere so air justs vented without passing into the unit.

Fatgadget - 20/8/07 at 02:16 PM

A lot of tools these days are manufactured in one huge factory in China and sold under different brand names....

thunderace - 20/8/07 at 03:02 PM

type this in search

Impact wrench problem

tells you how to fix them.

caber - 20/8/07 at 06:22 PM

Maybe you have over oiled them. This can happen and the vanes on the motor stick in the slots. I did this to my ones and had to strip it and clean the gunky oil out after this they have worked fine and I no longer obey the oil daily instructions


mark chandler - 20/8/07 at 06:38 PM

If its the same on all of them maybe its something else ?

Have you a small bore air line, if so you may have the pressure immediately but not the FAD to power these properly.

Also are you straight on the tank or going by a regulator, air tools go straight in.

I oil mine with a few drips of 3in1 oil down the air feed with the trigger open, seems to do the job. As above heavy oil clogs them up.

Regards Mark

rusty nuts - 20/8/07 at 07:03 PM

In 40 years of using air tools I have never had a decent one fail . The only failures have been cheap items .

Cubby - 20/8/07 at 07:20 PM

Thanks Chaps ,

Food for thought

regards ,


andrew-theasby - 20/8/07 at 10:18 PM

mine does that if i use a small bore air line, unless you use absolutely maximum pressure. If it is that dont forget some of the screw in connectors are restrictive as well as the hose.

Peteff - 20/8/07 at 10:29 PM

My Aldi rattle gun is still going strong, a squirt of 3 in 1 type oil before use is all it gets. It must be luck of the draw I guess.