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what size thread for pub gas bottle
smart51 - 21/9/07 at 07:26 AM

I've run out of gas in my welder but have been given 2 half full pub gas bottles. What size thread is on the bottle (it looks like 22m or 7/8”) and on the small bottle that comes with the welder so I can buy an adapter or new regulator?

[Edited on 21-9-2007 by smart51]

David Jenkins - 21/9/07 at 07:33 AM

This place has adaptors at a reasonable price - but a CO2 regulator is only a few Pounds more, so might be a better option.

MikeR - 21/9/07 at 09:28 AM

I took mine to the local industrial welding supplies place on a saturday morning. Smiled and said, "obviously i don't have this bottle, but if i did, what would i need to connect it to this regulator".

I then gave them some beer tokens, they gave me an adapter (And i think a warning about left hand thread).

asn163 - 21/9/07 at 11:36 AM


Standard UK outlet for CO2 is a BS341 no. 8 which is 0.860" x 14 tpi whit form.

Note LH theads are only used on flammable gases or mixtures with flammable components.


Andy W - 21/9/07 at 04:37 PM

Argon / oxygen etc are 5/8" BSP
