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Head bolt knackered - TRX 45 Star type bolt
Bacon2002 - 13/10/07 at 04:29 PM

I am trying to take the head off a Zetec (Blacktop) engine. I have removed the camshafts and started to loosen the T50 TRX star type bolts around the head (that went fine) however there are two T45 TRX star type bolts that are in the middle of the head.
So far I have managed to break two bits and probably knackered the bolt heads trying to undo the middle (T45) bolts.
How I can remove these bolts?
I'm pretty sure I used the correct sized bit and simply applied pressure to remove them, I didn't think I went over the top but obviously I did something wrong.
I have some pictures in my archive but I don't know how to put them in a post so I look into that to.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
Many thanks,

Bacon2002 - 13/10/07 at 05:04 PM



Bacon2002 - 13/10/07 at 05:11 PM

A picture of the other one:-

This one has the end of a bit still broken off in it.

Anyone got any ideas how I'm going to get myself out of this mess.



takumi - 13/10/07 at 05:16 PM

The bolt in the middle, isn't a 'head bolt' I'm sure is more likely a core plug for the water gallery..might even be a reverse thread..hense why it wont budge counter-clockwise.. best leave it in place.

All the head bolts are in 2 rows, running parallel the the cams..,

take all the main head bolts out and try levering the head off the block with a wide flat something (I'm sure theres a flat section designed for this somewhere around the sides...., alot of the time the head gasket glues the head and block together..

Dont panic..!

Bacon2002 - 13/10/07 at 05:22 PM


Wow, thanks for the advice.

I'm feeling waves of relief, we just need to win the rugby now.



takumi - 13/10/07 at 06:35 PM

no worries..

Mole - 13/10/07 at 06:47 PM

No help at all but I tried to loosen those two as well.