Hi all,
Does anyone have any instructions for the above spray gun at all that they could maybe scan or take a picture of?? I got it free with a compressor I
picked up at the weekend but dont have any instructions for it.
Has anyone used these spray guns at all?? Opinions on it??
What's to know? You put the paint in the cup and it comes out of the nozzle. The knob on the back will let more paint through and the one on the side will make the fan bigger or smaller. Clean it out with gunwash thinners when you've done with it or it will stop working.
Thats the one!! Like this one
So what does the little adjuster nut right in front of the trigger do?? The nut on the side changes the spray pattern doesnt it (round going
clockwise, eliptical anticlockwise)???
Edited to say the adjuster nut by the trigger is an air valve assembly. So what does adjusting that do?? (as you can tell i'm a novice to spray
[Edited on 28/11/07 by Paul TigerB6]
It's just a trigger stop, you adjust the paint flow with the one at the back and the one on the trigger moves the needle assembly till the back one stops it. You only need to touch that one on the trigger if you strip it down, blow thinners through it till no more colour comes out and you shouldn't need to strip it unless it breaks.
Ah gotch. Thanks for that then Pete. I'll have a play with the flow and fan settings before I get around to do any spraying anyway but at least
now I know what each bit does.
So has anyone got one of these guns?? Do they give good results (in experienced hands) or should I invest in a better gun for the bodywork??
fill the cup with water, and arse about with the knobs on the back to see what happens