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escort rack end joint
joolsmi16 - 2/1/08 at 06:56 PM

Hi all, any tip on unthreading the ball jointed arms from the escort rack?? I've have a go and failed to wanting to over do it before checking if I've missed something.

Also if anyone can has the section from the haynes to dismantle that would be a great help.


turbodisplay - 2/1/08 at 07:54 PM

Plumbers wrench (pipe wrench), designed to grip and tighten onto pipes.
Use a vice with alli to protect the rack.


Bob C - 2/1/08 at 10:32 PM

if it's oem escort rack you need to drill out the 2 lock pins before anything will unscrew. I have a pdf of the relevant manual pages - if you want it send me a U2U with your email address

02GF74 - 3/1/08 at 12:26 PM

I believe the bits holding the track rods in place have roll pins which need to be drilled out. Roll pins are hollow hardened steel designed to grab a drill bit and snap it off!