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Nylock nuts -re-using
caber - 16/8/08 at 06:21 PM

So we all know Nylock nuts are only supposed to be used once. I am just interested in how many of us actually follow this practice

Humbug - 16/8/08 at 06:23 PM

Option 6: I will reuse them if a) they don't look too knackered and b) it's not in a critical place (e.g. suspension!)

SeaBass - 16/8/08 at 06:26 PM

I tend to build things up using plain nuts, then once in final assembly I'll add the Nyloc. I'm a bit OCD with nuts and bolts I remove from older things - they tend to go in the round file on the floor. I do have box I've got "last resort reuse only" if they are unusual threads.

BenB - 16/8/08 at 06:27 PM

Option 6 for me too

designer - 16/8/08 at 06:30 PM

If it can't be turned by hand; re-use it.

worX - 16/8/08 at 06:40 PM

Option 1.

Buy a small pack of various size nuts/bolts at the start of the build or upcoming project and you will never have the need to re-use them.

Also this way the replacement ends up costing just a couple of pence...

I get my stuff from they are great blokes there and send stuff straight away...


tcr - 16/8/08 at 06:44 PM

option 5 then option 1 after wot ever the bolt was used for has fell off

thunderace - 16/8/08 at 09:35 PM

if you cant turn them off and on with your hand there good.

Canada EH! - 17/8/08 at 12:02 AM

I spend a lot of time around aircraft, which is were this product came from, from my experience the only ones who chuck the nuts after one use are military and passenger jets, most of ours go back on the aircraft after the annual inspection. 180 mph turbo charged single.

RK - 17/8/08 at 01:04 AM

And that is why I stopped flying airplanes for a living: you are flying whatever the boss has given you!!

That said, I have done up and undone every nut on the car several times.

Fozzie - 17/8/08 at 02:08 AM

Option 1 ........


johnston - 17/8/08 at 07:12 AM

Were nyloc nuts not designed to be re used several times?

I think it depends on the quality i.e. Type of nut your boss buys and needs to keep costs down throw it over your shoulder once off, type of nut we buy for own use prob better quality therefore use a couple o times.

If in doubt and nothin else bit of loctite does the job.

David Jenkins - 17/8/08 at 08:19 AM

The USA car engineering guru Carroll Smith discusses this in one of his books - he re-uses his nylocks a few times, even on his competition cars, as long as they appear to be in good condition.

smart51 - 17/8/08 at 08:42 AM

I reuse them if I have to. If I don't have one the right size. I don't reuse them on safety critical parts or if they look knackered. I've never had one fall off or even come loose.

wilkingj - 17/8/08 at 08:54 AM

Option One every time.

Are you REALLY REALLY sure you want to put your life (or some other innocent persons) at stake for the price of a 10 pence nut?

If it warrants a Nyloc (or a castelated and pinned Nut, then its there for a reason, and usually its safety.

The cost saving factor compared to the safety factor is just not worth it.

owelly - 17/8/08 at 12:30 PM

I reuse. Unless I happen to have a new one in my hand which never happens!! Sometimes give the top of the nut a bit of a squish in the vice to crush the nylon bit if I think it needs it. I've never had anything come loose or fall off. Not of the car, bike or boat anyway!!
It's nothing to do with being a tightfisted Yorkshireman. I'm just been green and reducing my carbon footprint so I don't feel guilty when I drive a car that spews out filthy gasses and poisons badgers.

djmnr - 17/8/08 at 07:12 PM

option 5 for me.. never had problems... yet