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welding bottle
hellbent345 - 1/9/08 at 03:06 PM

just wondering is this a good buy? he says its got 'a tag' but it hasnt been refilled since 2005 so might be due for a checkup in an email to me, what might a checkup entail, or refurb or whatever, and is it truly needed? thanks

[Edited on 1/9/08 by hellbent345]

dhutch - 1/9/08 at 03:34 PM

Originally posted by hellbent345
just wondering is this a good buy? he says its got 'a tag' but it hasnt been refilled since 2005 so might be due for a checkup in an email to me, what might a checkup entail, or refurb or whatever, and is it truly needed? thanks

By welding bottle, is this a refillable argon bottle. Who is it owned by, BOC?

r1_pete - 1/9/08 at 03:35 PM

If its oxy acetylene, argon derivatives, etc. you don't actually own the bottles, you rent them on a periodic basis from the likes of BOC Air Products and the like. No one would fill a bottle you have bought, unless its CO2 and you can get a pub landlord to do it for you on the hey diddle diddle....

hellbent345 - 1/9/08 at 03:37 PM

i think its a pub co2 bottle.... but thats only a think

big_wasa - 1/9/08 at 03:37 PM

What brand of bottle is it ?

If Boc or Ap the bottle always belongs to them and will be no good to you.

If its a pub style co2 bottle you may be able to get it exchanged.

The firm that sells you the gas will not get into presure testing bottles.

hellbent345 - 1/9/08 at 03:38 PM

oh bugger it, is there anywhere i can rent a bottle online? im an online kinda guy id rather do it online than ring up etc

short track 123 - 1/9/08 at 03:44 PM

If its a boc one its not his to sell. They only rent the bottles to you.

In which case you will have to sign up with them to get a refill.

Confused but excited. - 1/9/08 at 06:42 PM

From the photo it belongs to SUREGAS, whoever they may be.
I may still have an empty one in the garage if you want one.
FOC to a fellow Locoster, if you are willing to pay the carriage.

[Edited on 1/9/08 by Confused but excited.]

MikeR - 1/9/08 at 07:33 PM

find your local welding supplies shop, see if they refill or where they'd suggest.

My local shop refills and occasionally gets BOC etc bottles. They accept them without realising and then get loads of hassle from BOC when they return them. So if i wanted an empty one for a compressed air storage system up to a couple of hundred PSI they where more than happy to give it to me.

Richard Quinn - 1/9/08 at 07:35 PM

I've also got a pub CO2 bottle (regs got damaged gauges but does work) if anyone wants one. Collection only as there is still some gas in it.

dhutch - 1/9/08 at 07:47 PM

Would certainly be worth knowing what is is before you buy!

I presume you are after some sheld gas for a mig welder anyway?
- Any thoughts on argon/co2.


coozer - 1/9/08 at 08:02 PM

Just go to your local beer wholesaler, I used The Beer Seller, full bottles to buy for £15, no exchange. Although they will take empty's back.

Same goes with the beer, 88 pints of Fosters £75, keg is yours to keep, although again they will take them back. Made of stainless these days so fairly worthless.

wilkingj - 2/9/08 at 02:54 PM

Make sure you are aware of the regulations for carrying Gas Cylinders.

If you have an accident and they spot the bottle, you will be in deep do-do's.

You need a copy of the regs, and also the right sticker (Green " Compressed Gas".
Cant remember exactly what you have to do, but you need to be aware of the regs and carriage restrictions for compressed gas cylinders.

Just like you should have Red Sticker on your caravan for the Cooker gas cylinder you are carrying.

When I had my BOC account they gave me all the paperwork re this.

Just make sure you are safe and legal. Its for ALL compressed gasses, not just the flamable ones.

If in any doubt, consult your local gas supplier, or other competent person.

FazerBob - 3/9/08 at 09:41 PM

don't take a chance with an unknown bottle, get yourself off to Wilco in Aylsham Rd in Norwich, they will supply you with a rental bottle, and exchange it when required.