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Am I being a big girl?
twybrow - 9/10/08 at 11:27 PM

I went to use a tube of the PU I have bought for the side panels etc. It is Wayside Masterseal. The problem is how do you get the can/tube to work!? It is a metal cylinder, where as all of the tubes of adhesive/silicone/caulk etc I have used in a gun before have been plastic. Do you just have to be a brute to push the metal cap in at the piston end (hence am I being a girl?), or am I missing something?

BenTyreman - 9/10/08 at 11:45 PM

There should be a thin metal cover that can be cut out with a knife. It's to stop the silica gel grains from falling out.

twybrow - 9/10/08 at 11:46 PM

Ahhh, thats the rattle noise explained then... Cool - thanks for that.

Paul TigerB6 - 9/10/08 at 11:58 PM

Yes you are a big girl!!

Was there a question?? Lol

theconrodkid - 10/10/08 at 06:49 AM

it helps to warm it up first,i broke a couple of guns using it cold

whitestu - 10/10/08 at 07:35 AM

From the title I though this was going to be a BEC/CEC debate again!

blakep82 - 10/10/08 at 07:35 AM

* a big girl's blouse

twybrow - 10/10/08 at 07:43 AM

Originally posted by whitestu
From the title I though this was going to be a BEC/CEC debate again!

There is no debate there. BEC drivers are real men (we don't worry about cold, draughts, noise etc)... CEC drivers must be big girls (because they need lots of padding, comfy seats, and a mild cruising shopping cart)!

sucksqueezebangblow - 10/10/08 at 08:37 AM

Don't be nasty to the old people! We must recognise that in their advancing years, while they might dream of BECs, their ageing bones really really leave them no alternative to CECs.

Peteff - 10/10/08 at 08:47 AM

Stab it with a screwdriver and flick it off like a milk bottle top. Don't eat the contents of the little packet, feed it to the trolls