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What to do with 22 litres of 50-50 petrol/diesel mix?
Dave Ashurst - 29/5/10 at 09:57 PM

...... is there anything it's good for?

[Edited on 29/5/10 by Dave Ashurst]

deanwelch - 29/5/10 at 10:07 PM

put it in an old landy diesel .....they will run on anything

Ben_Copeland - 29/5/10 at 10:09 PM

Just add it bit by bit back into a diesel tank....

ChrisW - 30/5/10 at 01:31 AM

Last time I had something similar (was more 80/20 petrol rich) I gave it to the gardener at the farm where my workshop is, who put it in a bucket and threw it over a bonfire he was just getting started. Not sure he understood how petrol rich it was! Didn't see him for a good few weeks after that....

(true story, by the way!)


Dave Ashurst - 30/5/10 at 04:53 AM

Originally posted by ChrisW
Last time I had something similar (was more 80/20 petrol rich) I gave it to the gardener at the farm where my workshop is, who put it in a bucket and threw it over a bonfire he was just getting started. Not sure he understood how petrol rich it was! Didn't see him for a good few weeks after that....

(true story, by the way!)


trikerneil - 30/5/10 at 05:01 AM

I have about 30 litres of the same mix if anyone is interested.

Would it mess up my 52 plate Mondeo TDCI if I put in about 5 litres with each tankfull?


Dave Ashurst - 30/5/10 at 06:37 AM

Dunno, but you'll find loads of hits on google about petrol in diesel engines.

I did it the other way around and put 12 litres of diesel in my locost, dammit.

I pushed it off site drained it as much as possible (almost empty) into fuel cans, pushed it back and filled up with neat petrol.

Funnily enough, since then the engine's been fantastic!!
Smooth, powerful, responsive, torquey and no flutter at top revs which it was giving me last week. Generally what a delight!

Either I cleaned out some crud when I drained the tank (most likely) or a dash of diesel works wonders.

Can't seem to find much about it on the web though.

Petrol...... with a dash of diesel ??

cliftyhanger - 30/5/10 at 07:15 AM

Handy for parts washing......Still got about 10litres left from an incident a few years ago (luckily not mine, a guy bought his car back by the AA after I had rebuilt his engine, numpty had out diesel in it )
I would be careful about sticking it in a modern diesel though, can cause havoc, but older stuff should be fine.

[Edited on 30/5/10 by cliftyhanger]

Dave Ashurst - 30/5/10 at 07:34 AM

Originally posted by cliftyhanger
...... (luckily not mine, a guy bought his car back by the AA after I had rebuilt his engine, numpty had put diesel in it )

What an idiot!! Some people, eh?
tut tut. I despair.

You wouldn't catch me doing that.

Peteff - 30/5/10 at 08:05 AM

Garages use it in their waste oil heater systems and charge you for draining it off as well

rusty nuts - 30/5/10 at 08:51 AM

To dispose of it in an enviromentaly friendly way cost's more per litre than to buy it in the first place, Give it to someone with an old diesel to use a gallon at a time, I found my old XM ran better after using a mixture

Ninehigh - 30/5/10 at 12:12 PM

Originally posted by trikerneil
I have about 30 litres of the same mix if anyone is interested.

Would it mess up my 52 plate Mondeo TDCI if I put in about 5 litres with each tankfull?


The manual quotes a maximum of 5% bio mix, and it's a 60 litre tank. So I'd suggest a max of 2 litres per tankfull just to be safe.

mark chandler - 30/5/10 at 12:54 PM

I would not put in a modern diesel engine, the injectors and HP are fragile and costly to replace, TDCI mondeo would be cheaper to get a complete engine !

Okay in an old landy, Puegot etc with old injection using a distributor type pump.

Diesel is however great for sorting out badly running petrol engines, cleans the injectors up a treat as Dave found out.

Ninehigh - 30/5/10 at 12:56 PM

In that case if it's 50-50 why not stick it in a petrol engine in small doses?

carlknight1982 - 30/5/10 at 01:53 PM

I have a 53 TDCI mondeo and some kind person (friend of the ex wife i suspect) put either thinners or petrol into my diesel tank, cost me £1300 to put right with 4 new injectors and tank flush ect ect, i wouldnt dare put anything other than good diesel in it now.