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galaxy s11 / sat nav
Mikef - 2/4/13 at 07:32 AM

Has anybody used this phone for sat nav please, if so did you use google maps, or another app, and did you find it worked well?



loggyboy - 2/4/13 at 07:42 AM

My old XDA orbit came with Copilot software which was fine. My current HTC Google maps and its ok, but it gives no voice commands on visual instructions, only plots the map and lists the route.
IF you have an android device (Samsung SII is i beleive) you can download free Apps that seem ok. Search for Navfree IIRC.

britishtrident - 2/4/13 at 07:53 AM

Google Maps Navigation works better than most on Android

I never use sat nav as I think driving by Satnav is potentially dangerous, but do use GPS and for that preffer Coder Maps(+) with Open Street Map as the map source.

RIE - 2/4/13 at 07:54 AM

My S2 came with a nav app and it works fine, I prefer it now to my old tom tom. I've switched the voice commands off because I listen to music off the phone as well and couldn't be dealing with it pausing every time the nav app said something. It's still easy enough to understand.

40inches - 2/4/13 at 08:48 AM

I have used CoPilot Live on all my Android phones, including S2 and S3, I use it in preference to
my TomTom XL.
The full price is around £20 on Android Market, that's cheaper than a TomTom map upgrade.

Mikef - 2/4/13 at 08:54 AM

Many thanks all.

Looks like a winner then , need new sat nav, and phone


bigrich - 2/4/13 at 09:45 AM

my old navman satnav is redundant now, use the nav on my s2 and it works really well

watsonpj - 2/4/13 at 10:12 AM

i have used the nav on my s2 but it has very occasionally given me some very strange routes (extra 30miles) on a 12mile trip. I've been using navfree instead recently and find that very good.


jeffw - 2/4/13 at 11:33 AM

CoPilot on my S2

Mikef - 2/4/13 at 11:37 AM

Hi Jeffw.

I think you posted a vid of you at North weald. Looked bumpy. Could you tell me what engine / gbox blower set up you are using please ( not looking for the trade secrets ) just an idea, as its a car that I am considering for Hill climbs.



britishtrident - 2/4/13 at 12:28 PM

For any light usage user wanting a normal sized phone Orange are doing a good deal on the Galaxy Ace II free on £15.50 per month on a 2 year contract.

The Ace II a slightly bigger screen and generally higher spec than the Ace model from the other networks at same price point.

JoelP - 2/4/13 at 03:38 PM

my s3 is only 18 a month, 70 upfront, unlimited data on 3.

Anyway, the satnav it came with is miles better than tomtom. Better directions (includes road names), fast locations, and it even shows you a photo of the house you are looking for.

karlak - 2/4/13 at 03:56 PM

I use an app called Waze.

Free sat nav and very much uses the "community" to help with Road closures etc. It hasn't let me down yet.

alistairolsen - 2/4/13 at 07:13 PM

Yeah, I use google nav and get on well with it