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J15 Riot Seats
nickm - 4/7/15 at 07:17 PM

After some general info

I am just in the process of sorting my J15 Handbrake mounted on the passenger side of the cockpit. I bought JPs original seats as they were comfy on his Riot and locked me in really well at the shoulders.
With the main cable run thru the cockpit i reckon the seats are going to be destroyed quite quickly ? the cable run is not the best either as it needs to move away from the centre ali panel towards the rear to clear the back of the seat cross brace at the cockpit exit point, a further complication is having snap hooks on my belts which need eye bolts (i know i could get these altered but at a cost)

So do i buy some GRP type seats if so which have J15/Riot owners used or persevere with the original build seats which will still cost me in alterations to belts.

Any opinions ?

Nick M

PS if anyone wants a set of original seats brand new (oxford blue with yellow piping) i think it will make my mind up !

Paul AS - 4/7/15 at 08:04 PM

Hi Nick,

You must be nearly finished by now??

I've got the standard JP seat squabs and I'm running the handbrake cable on the intended original route. I've done 5,000 miles and haven't had any wear issues on the seat.

I have had the seat backs modified to give some shoulder support, which for me at 6'1" keeps me low in the car and fairly well supported. I would only put fibreglass seats in for a predominantly track use car. Not the most comfortable on long runs IMHO.

Keep going mate


nickm - 4/7/15 at 08:51 PM

Hi Paul
I am inclinrd to keep it as is, the belts were a bargain £50 the pair brand new TRS so i havent lost anything if i get the lap snaphooks exchanged for a single seater type bracket then i can remove the eyebolts which help the seat fitment as well.
The car is nearly finished handbrake, bonnet and seats to fit with a few electrical connections such as headlights to connect up then it is just mirrors and side repeaters and its done.
May still take some time though work and family keep getting in the way !!


Nick M

Kdempsie - 5/7/15 at 09:42 AM


I've just come across this same issue in my build. I'm going to modify the Sylva seat to clear the cable by 'notching' the seat base and putting a folded channel in to support the seat and straddle the cable.

I haven't decided yet if I will do that myself or return it to Intratrim for modification.

I am a little concerned about having a passenger on board and their weight stretching the cable, causing drag and overheating of the rear brakes.

Perhaps I'm thinking it too far!


nickm - 5/7/15 at 06:37 PM

Hi Keith
I have been up the garage today and finished the day off with a sit in the seats, i will definately keep what i already have, really comfortable and my shoulder/torso fits the width perfect.
My thought was to run down the side rather than underneath hence the destroying the seats with the cable even if covered, i cant see that any sort of "guide" is going to stand up to the movement ? im looking at having it free running but manipulating the pulley size under the handbrake to get a perfect run to the mechanism ? bloody hard to do when sandwiched underneath it !!!! but im hoping that Jeremys accurate welding/design will have taken this into account.

What im really bothered about is my handicapped son pulling it on one day !!!!!!!!!! cos its just sat there.


Nick M

Jenko - 6/7/15 at 06:12 AM

I can't vouch for the standard seats, but even fitting carbon seats there are a few issues to overcome with the handbrake cable. One thing that may make a difference is getting the cable as low to the floor as possible. I did this using a larger than norm pulley wheel under the handbrake.

If look here (a little way down the page) [url=]Click[/u rl]

you can see the concept......the pulley means the cable run is right on the floor.

No idea if this helps with the squibs though.

[Edited on 6/7/15 by Jenko]

[Edited on 6/7/15 by Jenko]

nickm - 6/7/15 at 06:25 PM

Hi Jenko
That was one of my thoughts if i start at the floor the angle should be better to the exit point, a few large washers sandwiched should do it.
Thinking about it logically the chassis rail that the handbrake cables attach to should be the same as the rear floor and the 2 holes stand above so it might work.
Might be time to get a bit of string out !


Nick M