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most annoying
mookaloid - 15/10/10 at 08:42 PM

advert on telly......

Nissan Duke

daniel mason - 15/10/10 at 08:44 PM

renault clio!
"at least you have a nice car"
"at least you have a nice daughter"

indykid - 15/10/10 at 08:46 PM

more annoying than the advert,

it's not even a duke. it's a....juke!


mookaloid - 15/10/10 at 08:48 PM

sorry Juke

Actually the renault clio is a very badly dubbed close close run thing too

Mark Allanson - 15/10/10 at 08:58 PM

These adverts are aimed at potential Renault/Nissan customers - enough said really

dinosaurjuice - 15/10/10 at 09:06 PM

'go-compare' is a good contender...

A1 - 15/10/10 at 09:06 PM

not go compare?

or we buy any car...

austin man - 15/10/10 at 09:12 PM

cillit bang

owelly - 15/10/10 at 09:12 PM

But you guys have proved a point! You've remembered the adverts!

se7en - 15/10/10 at 09:26 PM

Originally posted by owelly
But you guys have proved a point! You've remembered the adverts!

. . . you don't get a chance to forget them when they are repeated every 15 or less minutes

nick205 - 15/10/10 at 09:46 PM

I've become immune to it - really and truely I have. All I hear now is...

"mumble, mumble, la di dah give me your cash for this pile of crap, fiddle de dee, dum de dum"

Trouble is once you learn how to tune it out you realise just how poo the actual program segments in between really are.

drury318 - 15/10/10 at 11:25 PM

The Halifax ad where the girl sings "Isa Isa" , I have to mute it every time!

skodaman - 16/10/10 at 01:00 AM

The VW Golf one really bugs me.

morcus - 16/10/10 at 06:26 AM

The Clio one just posses too many questions. Why are they all American? how did the old man beat the young man to the house in enough time to obscure his car and be inside the house? Why is the old man impressed by a Clio? What ever happened to Nicole?

mangogrooveworkshop - 16/10/10 at 07:19 AM

Originally posted by mookaloid
advert on telly......Nissan Duke

Closely followed by go compare dot com.
Datsun Dud advert really brings the brand down. We buy any cr* is a prime mover as well.
Advertising brains are very short at the moment.....they cant make Classy honda adverts like the accord one. Audi hot rod one is interesting
Seems all the ads seem to be of the annoying type

steve m - 16/10/10 at 09:06 AM

All of them, mute, or channel hop


Jasper - 16/10/10 at 09:22 AM

Get yourselves a PVR or Sky+ and you never have to watch them again

40inches - 16/10/10 at 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Jasper
Get yourselves a PVR or Sky+ and you never have to watch them again

I'll second that, haven't seen an ad for years

lotusmadandy - 16/10/10 at 09:35 AM

Go compare..

TV goes on mute every time.


gingerprince - 16/10/10 at 10:13 AM

On the flip side, the new Argos advert is genius

meany - 16/10/10 at 11:26 AM

We buy any

especially the original..aaargh

scootz - 16/10/10 at 11:36 AM

Too many to list, but the prime offenders are Go Compare and We Buy Any Car

That said, I do still enjoy the Snickers 'Get Some Nuts' adverts and most of the Cadbury's ones!

hillbillyracer - 16/10/10 at 12:31 PM

Well they work in that we remember them, & then vow never to use the product in retaliation for it!
I dont watch much telly so it doesnt bother me that much, but I do listen to a lot of Radio. I cant take much Radio1 & I cant make my workmates listen to Radio2 all the time so it's often on a commercial station like Absolute Radio which plays a lot of good music & makes much noise about its "no repeat guarantee" which means they dont repeat any tune through the working day. I would'nt mind hearing the same tune twice in a day now & then but the same advert 2-3 times an hour? FECK OFF!!!

I see We buy any car now sponsor the motoring programs on Dave, this is surely poorly targeted advertising. If you're watching motoring programs then you likely have an interest on some level in cars, in which case you'll have a fair idea of how to sell your car for more than they'll offer for it!

A1 - 16/10/10 at 01:35 PM

the argos one is good!