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OT: anyone know about acrylic paintings and artists
steve8274 - 29/6/14 at 09:55 PM

hi all
just wondered if anyone could assist.
my wife was given a signed acryllic painting on canvas off her nan approx 20 years ago. she had it some time before that.
we are trying to find info about it but struggling.
does anyone recognise the picture or signature?


ste - 30/6/14 at 12:06 AM

I'm at work so can't do this for you, but if you right-click on the image in CHROME you can search for the image on the internet and see if there's anything else like it out there.

v8kid - 30/6/14 at 06:53 AM

Originally posted by ste
I'm at work so can't do this for you, but if you right-click on the image in CHROME you can search for the image on the internet and see if there's anything else like it out there.

Brilliant! I found it in a site called locostbuilders - nothing elae though

swanny - 30/6/14 at 08:49 AM

how about taking it to your local auction house and seeing if its worth anything?
they might be a bit more impartial than a dealer?

steve8274 - 30/6/14 at 10:48 AM

Thanks for replies. Tried chrome as suggested and nothing came up.
We did take to a valuation day that you see advertised now and then in local libraries etc but they were useless and didn't seem interested.
I was wondering what sort of place to take it to since we had no experience before. Will see if I can find a local auction house. Any other places do valuations or give info preferably in northwest

swanny - 30/6/14 at 03:36 PM

im no expert, but from the pics i wouldn't get too excited about possible value. hope im wrong though.

steve8274 - 30/6/14 at 04:10 PM

Originally posted by swanny
im no expert, but from the pics i wouldn't get too excited about possible value. hope im wrong though.

Knowing my luck it won't be worth anything but thought I would try since it's old. 😜

Agriv8 - 1/7/14 at 07:42 AM

you could try the BBC

Are the antiques roadshow visiting soon ?

see here

there was something about emailing a picture ( might be worth a go )

ATB Agriv8