posted on 30/4/09 at 10:17 AM |
paint ,how to get it from the can to the spraypot
may sound daft but i always end up with the paint all down the can and floor ,so i have been thinking of how not to waste so much when pouring it into
the tin for spraying i was thinking of buying a glass turkey baster or somthing like that ,has anyone got any good idears.i hate wiping up it from the
side of the can and floor evry time i paint.
posted on 30/4/09 at 10:24 AM |
I have a small pallet knife liuke the kind you would use for spreading icing on a cake and use that to cut off the dribble nice and clean its abit off
a trick since you can only use one hand to pour the paint so i have a little platform to put the back off the can on and just lower the front off the
pot to pour it into the mixing pot / gun then tilt it back slightly cut off the dribble with the pallet knife then quickly put the put back upright
hope this helps
F20C Haynes roadster 440 BHP/Tonne
posted on 30/4/09 at 10:25 AM |
try making a paper funnel. Decent paper or card should do the trick. Not sure if there is potential for dust coming off the funnel though. Maybe some
plastic type material would be best - like acetate sheets that you use for overhead presentations.
posted on 30/4/09 at 12:26 PM |
I was told to use some wide masking tape and make a V on the top of the tin (lid off obviously) and use that to pour, it certainly makes less mess.
Roadkill - Lee
Latest Picture (14 Sept 2014)
posted on 30/4/09 at 01:00 PM |
I use a china cup with a handle. this then gets dumped into the paint for the next time..... Its the best place to hide those terrible gift cups the
wife and kids buy you for birfdaes an crimbo
posted on 30/4/09 at 01:09 PM |
I pour it from the can into a measuring jug to thin and stir it then pour it into the pot from there. Wipe the jug out with some gun wash and you can
see the measurements so you know your proportions. Jugs are cheap from Wilko.
yours, Pete
I went into the RSPCA office the other day. It was so small you could hardly swing a cat in there.
Canada EH!
posted on 30/4/09 at 02:59 PM |
When you buy your paint supplies ask for a paint strainer funnel.
These are made of paper with a gauze material at the bottom, funnels the paint into the paint cannister and takes out any lumps on the way.