posted on 24/10/10 at 11:41 AM |
Radiator Grilles made using Hammerform spotted at Exeter
Following on from my threads illustrating the Hammerform tequnique for making close to tolerance components I was interested to see these three
grilles all of which incorporated Hammerform in their construction.
These three elegant radiator grilles were spotted at the Exeter Kitcar Show.
The Ferrari grille is very effective and not too difficult to make. Once the patterns for each leaf have been drawn up the regulation plywood can be
cut to shape, sandwiching the steel in this case and the edge tapped down. The back edge is turned up to the correct angle and bolted to a backing
plate; very simple but very authentic looking.
The second grilled made from aluminium has used Hammerform to form the surround.The horizontal and vertical slats have been slotted together. They had
been TIG welded on the crossovers to stop them coming apart and a pair of vertical spacers keep the whole assembly rigid. Another grille which is easy
to make but looks quite good I think.
The final grille, beautifully made and an absolute replica an Austin Healey 3000 is a very fine piece of work, totally handmade from stainless steel.
![](/galpreviews/rg-1.jpg) ![Description](/gallery/rg-1.jpg) Description
![](/galpreviews/rg-2.jpg) ![Description](/gallery/rg-2.jpg) Description
![](/galpreviews/rg-3.jpg) ![Description](/gallery/rg-3.jpg) Description
When I used to do a lot of CAD work, I'd look at a component and think how I'd go about drawing it. Nowadays I think how I might make it!
[Edited on 24/10/10 by 2cv]
[Edited on 24/10/10 by 2cv]
[Edited on 24/10/10 by 2cv]
[Edited on 25/10/10 by 2cv]
posted on 27/10/10 at 01:29 PM |
Thought I'd better add my vote of thanks here for all of your recent posts on metal forming. It's certainly given me the inspiration to
have a go at a few things I thought may have been beyond me.
On the subject of the photos above - I'm planning a grille quite a bit like the Ferrari one but I must admit I'd never of thought to
hammerform the individual leaves. My intent was to just cut them out of 3mm ali plate. Surely simpler all round?
Anyway, thanks again for all of your freely given information. I'll put up some pics of my own if and when I start swinging hammers.
posted on 27/10/10 at 01:40 PM |
That's great Dominic, look forward to seeing your pics.
As I said right at the beginning, there is no right or wrong way to achieve the desired result, you just find the one that suits you.
[Edited on 29/10/10 by 2cv]