posted on 15/9/04 at 11:47 AM |
whats inside?
im still delibrating over the make/buy a mig question. would anyone be kind enough to take the top off their welder and take a few piccies? i want to
know what the physical size of some of the bits it and what they look like (having to trawl the web pages of farnell and rs to find things the right
diode package and heatsink combo will take ages, so any visulal info would be good so i know where to start.)
what is it about me that makes me look like i know what im doing????
posted on 15/9/04 at 12:46 PM |
Sod DIY MIG! Try this:
posted on 15/9/04 at 10:10 PM |
brave man
posted on 16/9/04 at 03:32 PM |
id need the tig torch (about £100 from m.mart) an alernator and a 5hp motor. someone would need to donate me some of this otherwise id just be as well
buyin a new mig.
nice idea tho
what is it about me that makes me look like i know what im doing????
posted on 17/9/04 at 02:37 AM |
I think you're probably better off trawling ebay for a secondhand mig than trying to build your own. just imo.
posted on 17/9/04 at 11:12 AM |
i just think hes nuts
its hard enough to weld without putting in parameters like making your own unpredictable welder.
If you cant afford to buy the welder, you will stuggle to afford to build the car
good luck
[Edited on 17/9/04 by stephen_gusterson]
posted on 17/9/04 at 12:26 PM |
quote: Originally posted by stephen_gusterson
i just think hes nuts
you looked at his website aswell then steve
under projects Caseless ammunition ![](/images//smilies/shocked.gif)
posted on 17/9/04 at 12:50 PM |
nope, but I will now!
just did
red on a blue background just shags your eyesight!!!!!!!
[Edited on 17/9/04 by stephen_gusterson]
posted on 17/9/04 at 03:47 PM |
well my last project was scratch building a lathe from 10x100 bdms stock. still looking for a backplate for the chuck. but other than the bed and
saddle are almost complete.
need to put up some piccies. <thinks>i put my camera batteries on th charge last night, they should be done. ill go and do that
what is it about me that makes me look like i know what im doing????
posted on 17/9/04 at 04:10 PM |
its not so much that i cant afford one (cause i can) but more the fun and the knowledge gained by building one. same idea as building a car, why not
just buy one. and the fact that i belive that "what ever you want and don't have, some one has and doesn't want. all you have to do
is go and find that person"
what is it about me that makes me look like i know what im doing????
posted on 17/9/04 at 05:07 PM |
i would really love to see some piccies for the stock built lathe,
isn't there a book by dave gingery which show somthing similar.
would love to build somthing like that,
am currently 2/3 of the way through refitting my lathe
Build Blog
Build Photo Album
posted on 17/9/04 at 05:20 PM |
| aka my other site. piccies are a bit crappy but u get the idea. im not a plan man, i have the plan in my heand and then
write a list of bits i need and go and buy them and put en together so i havent acctually got any plans. its cost about £100 so far (including some
bits i still have to foto, like the £40 of pillow blocks) but you could build it to any size. all you need is a pilar drill, about 10 drill bits, 2
taps, a countersink and some mark out kit. looking for someone to make me a backplate cause i dont fancy buying a 1' drill bit for the centre
hole. if you, or any one else wants plans of the whole thing, i will do some.
and the gingery lathe is made of cast aluminium. i havent seen one i would trust to be trully square. i work on the grounds that steel is so uniformly
made, as long as you are accurate you dont need to be precice. that theory got the victorians along way.
[Edited on 17/9/04 by binraker]
what is it about me that makes me look like i know what im doing????
posted on 17/9/04 at 06:53 PM |
if you dont weld the car right, it will be rotten from the bottom up.
thats why i would suggest using a known welder - keeps your success more likely
posted on 17/9/04 at 07:04 PM |
ill probibly buy one to build the chassis, but if i build one then i have abetter knowledge of how to use it ans i know how it works
what is it about me that makes me look like i know what im doing????
posted on 21/9/04 at 11:31 PM |
have a look at - maybe of interest.
posted on 23/9/04 at 12:17 AM |
Another one for you -
posted on 23/9/04 at 03:05 AM |
thats what i want to do!!! i might try that onece machinemart opens up in glasgow. (so i can get the nozzely bits.)
cheers for the link
what is it about me that makes me look like i know what im doing????