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305 miles drive.
AdrianH - 31/7/11 at 08:58 PM

Set off for a drive this morning at 09:00 headed North up the M6 to junction 36 then inland around Kirkbly Longsdale, up to Sedberg. Then took the completly wrong turning at went through small villages such as Gawthrop, Dent and Cow Gill before finding my way to Hawes.

Was trying to work north to end up a Hawkshead Cafe. Finally found my way to Kirkby Stephen and Brough and picked up the A66 to Penrith then finally up to the Cafe around 1 pm.

Never go on a run with me in the lead!

From there down to Alston, down the A689 towards Crook, down through Bishop Auckland and south'ish to the A1M-A1.

Off at the A61 past Ripon. A59 past Skipton, drop down to Nelson from Gisburn, pick up the M65 and head home.

305 miles and 9 hours later. OK so dinner at the cafe, and a a few coffee breaks to stretch the legs as well as a lot of traffic around keeping speeds down to sensible limits and the car returned 39 mpg, so how green is that, a recycle car and not bad mpg to boot.


[Edited on 31-7-11 by AdrianH]

keith777 - 31/7/11 at 09:12 PM

If you were following joe you'd have done it in 4-1/2 hours !!
cheers Keith

MkII - 31/7/11 at 09:46 PM

and if you were following joe you wouldnt get 39 mpg

AdrianH - 31/7/11 at 10:19 PM

Following Joe would have been around 3.5 hours.

I think mine was slow and steady!!

[Edited on 31-7-11 by AdrianH]

[Edited on 31-7-11 by AdrianH]

stevegough - 1/8/11 at 04:58 AM

Sounds like a great route, Adrian (if a little long!- that mileage would have got you to Dover!) - were you on your own or did you have your 'ballast' with you again?
Incidentally, I filled my car up after the run the other night, and it managed a very creditable 32 mpg - I was pretty chuffed!

AdrianH - 1/8/11 at 06:20 AM

I was on my own.

Did not get out Saturday, looked at the weather Sunday and said sod it. It was just the fact I got lost. The the amount of push bike riders out, doing some sort of race through Dent and the other small villages was unbelievable.