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East Yorkshire - Altisidora (Bishop Burton)
Si - 6/9/09 at 06:14 PM

I know the Westy chaps are meeting at 7:30pm this Wednesday but seeing its getting dark around 8:15pm, how about meeting there at 6:30pm so we can have a drive out somewhere?


jacko - 6/9/09 at 06:21 PM

Hi si i think the westy lads go for a chat and go for rides on a sunday as you say getting dark know

uklee70 - 6/9/09 at 06:57 PM

I'm so close to getting to one of these meetings.
The car is being sprayed monday and then Dvla for the plates.
Just in time for winter.


chris james - 6/9/09 at 08:44 PM

I cant make it as at work but graham is right. I went to the last westy gathering and we didnt have a run out just a drink and a natter. Good night though not complaining!

adcatman - 6/9/09 at 09:05 PM

HI Gents,

I can't make the Westfield meet this time but its good to see a few locals with similar cars. Depending on work I might be up for a 6:30 Blat next time around. Only thing is I'm a novice and my car isn't going to break any records so you may say no.


Si - 6/9/09 at 09:15 PM

We could go for a drive and return to Altisidora if anyone wants to catch the westfield owners.
Unless they would like to meet earlier too.

jacko - 7/9/09 at 07:16 PM

Bit of a mix up i think. the westfield meeting is on the 8th so thats tuesday night


Si - 8/9/09 at 06:23 AM

Its the drive out that's interesting as well as the chat. Indeed the 8th tonight. I'm still going tomorrow if anyone can make it.

kipper - 8/9/09 at 07:39 AM

Sorry lads I can't make it as I am going into castle hill for a nose rebore.
Looking for improved breathing when I get out.

Edit to say op has been cancelled so I may be there

[Edited on 8/9/09 by kipper]

[Edited on 8/9/09 by kipper]

jacko - 8/9/09 at 03:40 PM

Good luck Denis

kipper - 8/9/09 at 03:43 PM

Thanks Graham but see edit above

roadrunner - 8/9/09 at 06:45 PM

I can make it ,but 6.30 is to early for me, might just scrape 7.

Hellfire - 8/9/09 at 06:53 PM

Originally posted by roadrunner
I can make it ,but 6.30 is to early for me, might just scrape 7.

Better get a move on then Brad it's almost 8 o'clock now. You've obviously got a flux capacitor.........


Si - 9/9/09 at 03:30 PM

That's ok. See you at Altisidora nearer 7pm

cleowuss - 9/9/09 at 07:22 PM

Hi Si

We the westfield boys meet the second Tuesday of the month for a drink and a chat( whinge about work, life and the car) and to plan the month ahead.

The weekend is for blatting fun and fixing the car

The idea is to have a chance to meet and be able to bring along family and friends all year round.
I for one, don't (at the mo) have a set finishing time at work. You can bet one month I will turn up in my work clothes cause of a late running truck.!!!
