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Leicester and Nuneaton Donny meet?
skidude88 - 10/9/07 at 02:05 PM

Leicestershire lot....

Who's planning on going and when?

Only going as an excuse for a trot out, so good weather only!!!

Mate has a great little route up there due to his ex living in Diesworth.

(Just hope weather is as good as last year... see farm pics in photo archive)

Catpuss - 10/9/07 at 04:44 PM

I'm probably going to go on Saturday and take the small boy too as he would like to get told off for trying to to drive away in an Ultima GTR

snippy - 10/9/07 at 08:56 PM

James, I`m planning on going on the Saturday only.

Pdlewis - 11/9/07 at 08:14 AM

Im hoping to get a run out what day are you thinking?

skidude88 - 13/9/07 at 11:54 AM

Forecast looks similar for both days (though early days yet! - could be snowing by Saturday morning)

I think Ben <benedict> might be about for Sat, and possibly we all need to try Jedi mind control on Allan <awinter> (or at least swimbo) to get him out

(....What does the I stand for in swImbo?)

I've got some throttle boddies to sell

[Edited on 13/9/07 by skidude88]

Vindi_andy - 19/9/07 at 12:42 PM

sorry to be thick but what does swimbo stand for?

[Edited on 19/9/07 by Vindi_andy]