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I Bought one!
55ant - 12/8/09 at 01:47 PM

hello everyone!, well i first posted as a potential owner but i am glad to say i am now a proud owner!

MK Indy

Went to see it yesterday (five hour train journey!) to be honest as soon as the guy opened the garage it was sold! any way got it on the road and began my first ever drive in a kit car, just so happened to be 185 miles! set of at 7:30 pm, got home about 10:30, didnt miss a beat the whole way, one problem is there is no light in the speedo! but got by on the rev counter.

its a brilliant peice of kit, absolutely love it!, looking through the bills its got some cool bits, all round disks, LSD, it is a 2.o bored to 2.1 with fast cams, it has the 3.0 twin carbs on it to!

i have been sorting stuff out today for it but my first thing i want sorted is the roll bar, its fine and all but how do i go about getting stays etc, not after the full cage just a bit more support.

also the front p/s light is dim and the indicators arnt really working, the light on the dash flashes as if a fuse has gone, any one know a good place to start hunting for a frayed wire?

anyway its great, im now sitting inside waiting for it to get dry!!

Dan. - 12/8/09 at 01:54 PM

Congrats on the purchase, looks a nice little project, cant wait to get on with mine

blakep82 - 12/8/09 at 01:56 PM

coolness. looks a decent car. get those lights sorted and its all good

Bluemoon - 12/8/09 at 02:03 PM

Fantastic.. Enjoy but take it easy!


scottc - 12/8/09 at 02:10 PM

Great news.

But where are the pics?

MakeEverything - 12/8/09 at 06:22 PM

Welcome to the club - or the nerdy network as the wife calls it!

Ive yet to drive mine, but i know how you feel. Treat it like a woman, and get to know it before riding it hard.

adithorp - 12/8/09 at 06:43 PM

Welcome to the mad house.

Checking the earth conection on the lights is usually a good starting point.


speedyxjs - 12/8/09 at 07:11 PM

Originally posted by MakeEverything
the nerdy network as the wife calls it!

lotusmadandy - 12/8/09 at 07:18 PM

Welcome and congrats on the purchase.
You won't regret it


55ant - 13/8/09 at 09:50 AM

thanks guys,

yep im taking it easy! i have a earned respect for rear wheel drive the hard way. its really good fun!

seem to be adding to my list of things to fix.

1. headlight/indicator issue
2. Oil pressure sensor, have a guage but no reading.
3. no light in speedo
4. no air filter
5. no choke
plus my endless plans for things to add to it!


[Edited on 13/8/09 by 55ant]