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need more resistance on my R1 clutch pedal
j30fos - 4/11/03 at 10:47 AM

Hi all,

Last night finished all the pedals and cables but I need to beef up the clutch resistance, by hand it feels ok a bit of pressure but when I get in the car and use my foot it feels like nothing there. What have you guys used to get more feed back on pedal position as its very very light.



MK9R - 4/11/03 at 11:48 AM

Look at the first entry in May in my build diary.

Jasper - 4/11/03 at 04:17 PM

Have u fitted uprated springs? Available from TTS and a must.

ChrisGamlin - 4/11/03 at 05:07 PM

Surely its just the pedal ratio that you needs altering, is this not easily changed on your pedals? If not, you could try attaching a spring to the pedal so that provides some additional resistance to your foot without any additional strain on the clutch itself.

Gremlin - 4/11/03 at 09:20 PM

Did see somewhere you can buy a pneumatic ram type pedal which allows you to murder the pedal but only pulls the clutch at a steady rate. Can’t remember where though?

I have a R1 I’m hoping to use and I hear that you need to get the clutch pedal just right as they have a habit of getting stuck open otherwise.

Have you looked on this site, load of R1 info and I think Rich mentions a clutch problem on there.

[Edited on 4/11/03 by Gremlin]

j30fos - 5/11/03 at 08:54 AM

Cheers everyone, got a mini accelerater pedal spring and split pin last night and attached that to the pedal and bulk head, the pedal springs back very nicley now. Just wish it was harder to push but can live with what I've got as it does spring back :-)

Fitting the nose cone next

Peteff - 7/11/03 at 11:08 AM

I've been reading a tale of woe on Yahoo bike list. Someones R1 clutch gave up and filled the engine with metal particles wrecking it completely. Something to do with a big wire clip that holds everything in place coming loose. Sounds like something to look out for if you can't limit the travel on the clutch somehow.

yours, Pete.

j30fos - 10/11/03 at 09:22 AM

Yeh but that was to do with the clutch removal and not using a new piano wire on rebuild.

I uprated the spring for the clutch pedal at the weekend to the clutch spring for a mini, feels loads better.