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VIN Letter Signature
bilbo - 1/9/10 at 06:39 PM

Finally recieved a letter from th DVLA confirming my VIN - Hoorah!

However, at the bottom of the letter, it has a place for a 'Dealer/Garager/MOT station' to sign to confirm the number has been stamped to the chassis. Not 100% sure what to do with this?
Do I get the IVA tester to sign this, or do I need to get the local garage to do it?

RichardK - 1/9/10 at 06:42 PM

Photoshop yourself a letterhead and do it yourself, you're the manufacturer, surely that's got to be good enough.



matt_claydon - 1/9/10 at 06:53 PM

Don't bother, it's a standard letter also used for other situations where a new VIN is issued. They will check it themselves when they do their inspection post-IVA.

bilbo - 1/9/10 at 08:49 PM

Thanks guys. I will ignore it for now. If they do need it, I'm sure the guy at the local garage will sign it for me. I've got to know him quite well, due to the joys of Renault ownership

omega 24 v6 - 1/9/10 at 10:12 PM

I stamped mines and got my local Mot station to acknowledge it and emboss the letter with thier stamp