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Sierra uprights
takumi - 27/2/07 at 12:33 PM

Hope there aren't any silly issues with using the sierra uprights.

Slightly older pic, everything is bolted in place now

- camber is good, not positive as have seen with some sierra uprights on the wrong lower bones.

Any points I should be looking into regarding the steerng rack and brakes.. (hopefully WilWood PowerLite front/back.)



macnab - 27/2/07 at 12:37 PM

looks very good.

don't weld extensions onto the trackrod arms like I did...

bartonp - 27/2/07 at 12:38 PM

Top rose joint - am I the only one with a nagging memory about a failsafe washer to stop the whole lot pulling through in the event of failure?

takumi - 27/2/07 at 12:39 PM

I'l probably make threaded extensions - need to start making more use of my lathe-, and use a rose joint again instead of a ball joint (



takumi - 27/2/07 at 12:43 PM

I agree, a washer ontop would be a failsafe, but then you lose movement of the ball, It would have to be cone shaped to get the best of both - which I have been thinking about

macnab - 27/2/07 at 12:44 PM

I'd have thought you could argue that the ball joint has a similar mode of failure.

takumi - 27/2/07 at 12:49 PM

ahh. very true.

bartonp - 27/2/07 at 12:51 PM

Originally posted by macnab
I'd have thought you could argue that the ball joint has a similar mode of failure.

Different construction - much harder to pull out.
While we're on the subject of rose joints, what stops all the road crap from geting in & grinding them to bits?

macnab - 27/2/07 at 12:57 PM

You can buy covers to keep the dirt out. I'm not sure if there is a minimum grade of rose joint required for suspension use as they vary enormously in quality.

takumi - 27/2/07 at 12:57 PM

You can get neoprene boot covers for them , like a mini gaitor. But as I was saying the the salesman at AutoSport (from the company I bought the from) the neoprene rubber boot (2 halfs top/bottom) costs about the same as a new rose joint.

I suppose you could paint some silicone rubber over it, and you've got a completely sealed unt.. perhaps..

Dusty - 27/2/07 at 04:29 PM

You might need to check the taper on the bottom ball joint shaft and the sierra hub carrier hole it fits into are the same.

takumi - 27/2/07 at 04:41 PM

as i said, - its an old photo. they are now reamed out and fit much much better - and bolted up, -

reamed using the axminster reamer. - an excellent product.

Peteff - 27/2/07 at 05:06 PM

No road crap gets thrown up there, it all goes down the side of the car and on the rear arches and driver, why should they get dirty to the extent that it grinds them to bits realistically speaking ? The boots will keep as much dirt in as they keep out if that is the case.

MikeRJ - 27/2/07 at 07:13 PM

Originally posted by takumi
You can get neoprene boot covers for them , like a mini gaitor. But as I was saying the the salesman at AutoSport (from the company I bought the from) the neoprene rubber boot (2 halfs top/bottom) costs about the same as a new rose joint.

You can get a rubber boot that fits over the entire rose joint, and they aren't too pricey e.g.