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Front Arches
JimM - 21/1/12 at 12:38 PM

Looking for help on how to secure the front arches to the wheel brackets.

Proby - 21/1/12 at 12:58 PM

Easiest way has to be to stick/bond them onto the brackets using silkaflex or similar.

tomgregory2000 - 21/1/12 at 01:20 PM

wot he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Chippy - 21/1/12 at 05:13 PM

I used Evostics "Sticks Like S++t" and once set glassed over the brackets, absolutely no chance of it coming off then. HTH Ray

rusty nuts - 21/1/12 at 07:07 PM

Bend some 25x 3 mm strip to fit the shape of the inner arch , Drill and tap a 6mm hole in the center , fit to the wheel arch brackets and the clean the inside of the arch , cover the strip with a good dose of Sikaflex and place the arch in place , use clamps and leave for 24 hrs. Worked with my original fibre glass archs but not with carbon fibre

Thurbs - 21/1/12 at 07:23 PM

Used tiger seal they've not come off yet !!

Dave Bailey - 22/1/12 at 01:59 AM

I made some ally brackets (Z cross sectio) that I glassed to the inside of the arch. Then drilled and tapped the support and screwd the arch to it.. If I need to replace the arch I just unscrew it.

Not driven it yet so don't know if they will stay on but I have walked into them enough times and my shins came off second best.

Dave B

stevegough - 22/1/12 at 09:03 AM

Another vote for Tigerseal - incredible sticking power, they haven't pulled off at 120 mph yet! I also coated the inside of the arches with CBS's own 'wunderseal' - it is supposed to prevent internal stone chipping - I suppose it does, as it is a rubberry texture.

killieaitken - 6/2/12 at 03:38 PM

I actually bought a set that were already pre drilled and they bolted straight on