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WSCC Boardroom down ?
Hurdsey - 4/12/08 at 12:07 PM

Is it just me that can't get on?
or is it the same for everybody ?

tul214 - 4/12/08 at 12:10 PM

Yep, been down since yesterday.

kendo - 4/12/08 at 12:10 PM

Me as well

Hurdsey - 4/12/08 at 12:16 PM

Oh well maybe they forgot to put a shilling in the meter
It's happened before

MikeR - 4/12/08 at 12:25 PM

maybe someone posted something about metal thats cracked......

(that is a poor joke before someone thinks i know something)

Custardtart - 4/12/08 at 03:47 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
maybe someone posted something about metal thats cracked......

(that is a poor joke before someone thinks i know something)

I wondered that but then thought, nah surely not! There was a troll on there the other day trying to stir things up about so maybe that all got a bit out of hand but I hope not!

But it is strange that it's replaced by the GGR Comunications web site who I guess are the hosting company?

MikeR - 4/12/08 at 06:16 PM

Its back ............ well it is for me.

dhutch - 4/12/08 at 07:13 PM

Originally posted by MikeR
Its back ............ well it is for me.

- Whole site seamed to out for me for a while too.
