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java scripts ???
adam1985 - 5/2/09 at 09:49 AM

hi all im having problems with some web sites they keep saying i need to enable javascripts how do i do this and will it make me prone to viruses or anything else. i aint very good with computers as you proberbly can tell cheers adam

BenB - 5/2/09 at 10:15 AM

What browser are you running?

(I'd be super careful enabling javascript though.....)

adam1985 - 5/2/09 at 10:43 AM

im not sure which browser but i cant serch on autotrader or ebay and it says enable it what will it do?? i have looked on my internet options and it says its already enabled

tendoshingan - 5/2/09 at 11:55 AM

If you are using IE, there may be a toolbar that comes up concerning active x/scripted windows control. Sometimes this needs to be activated in order for the JS to work especially if the JS is linked to a flash object.
Other than that the options are:
# Go to tools then check the "Manage add ons" and ensure that the Sun Java is Enabled.
# Go to tools then check the "Internet Options", "Advanced" scroll down and ensure that the Java is Enabled.