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Dead win XP pro (again) - Help!
mcerd1 - 26/2/09 at 08:34 AM

Following my little rant yesterday - its done it again

but I know roughly what caused it and what the damage is this time - this whole folder is courupted: windowssystem32config
when I boot up on another disk I can't open it, delete it or paste over it

its happened when my new game (grid) crashed, and I had to reset the machine, same as last time but last time I thought it was because it was on its last legs anyway - this time its a fresh install with windows and all the drivers upto date

and thoughts ?

AndyGT - 26/2/09 at 08:41 AM

Is it an original or a copied/downloaded disk?

Could be a virus on the Cd if its copied...

known/unknown bug on the game or add-ons?

chrsgrain - 26/2/09 at 08:42 AM

Buy a Mac


(runs for cover......)

mcerd1 - 26/2/09 at 08:48 AM

All the discs are genuine (XP, games and so on........)

Originally posted by AndyGT
known/unknown bug on the game or add-ons?

havn't found anything about that yet - but I am running a pair of 6800 ultra cards in SLI mode (6800 is the min requirment)

but I've never had a fail like this before
it even runs the game quite well (on low settings) right up till the crash

[Edited on 26/2/09 by mcerd1]

yellow melos - 26/2/09 at 09:09 AM

I suspect you may have a memory problem, try removing half the memory if you can.

The windowssystem32config folder hold the registry for the machine, if it cannot read this folder then it wont boot, you could also try booting from the install cd and select R for the recovery console and run a CHKDSK /p /r
this will run a disk check and may repair the corruption before you re-install again.

also if you do re-install again.. after you hav ethe system up and running run the backup util, cancel the wizzard, and select the Automated Ssytem Recover Wizzard from the welcome screen, dump a backup to the c drive, it will aslo create a copy of the current windowssystem32config folder to c:windowsrepair ( and to a floppyusb if you have one )

so you can get the files back if needed.

[Edited on 26/2/09 by yellow melos]