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lost pictures on XD card!
quattromike - 8/3/09 at 09:49 PM

I was blissfully takin pictures on my olympus camera which uses XD cards for storing the photos on and for some reason the next time I went to use it the screen came card needs to be formatted and I couldent get access to the pictures I'd already taken
I tried the card in a multi card reader and it says needs to be formated also. I'm under the impresion if I format the card I'll lose every thing on it, which would not be good I really needthe pictures I have storedon this card
Does anyone know what I can do to retreive the pictures?


Aico - 8/3/09 at 09:52 PM

The easiest thing you can do is go back in time and take the pictures for the second time after you formatted the card.

McLannahan - 8/3/09 at 10:00 PM

Worth trying this shareware first?

Mark G - 8/3/09 at 10:02 PM

There are programs out there which retrieve lost files, Sandisk do a good one which came with one of my CF cards. I believe there is a good free one on the web called file scavenger (not tried it myself though).

I can sympathise though as I once lost some photo's on an xd card from my fuji camera which I never managed to retrieve.

I did find out what caused them to be lost though. It all boiled down to me having over 500mb of images on the card and inserting it into my inbuilt card reader in my pc. Turns out it doesn't like any more than 500mb or it throughs a wobblie and corrupts the card.

I've never used it since unless I'm sure theres less than 200mb on the card. I now almost always use the cable especially if the images are important to me.

Good luck

Surrey Dave - 8/3/09 at 10:30 PM

i had the same problem , i used recovermyfiles . it is really good as an experiment i even formatted over a card and it still found the files.

it has saved my bacon a few times , may be available as a dubious download!!!!!

Taylor R1 - 8/3/09 at 10:47 PM

I have used this before.

Can be downloaded free

A1 - 9/3/09 at 12:16 AM

cant you do a basic format that doesnt delete the stuff on the card?

speedyxjs - 9/3/09 at 07:15 AM

Those freeware programs are great! Saved my a** a few weeks ago when i checked i had my assignment on my USB to had in the day after and found i had accidently deleted it

Mr Whippy - 9/3/09 at 07:33 AM

Originally posted by speedyxjs
Those freeware programs are great! Saved my a** a few weeks ago when i checked i had my assignment on my USB to had in the day after and found i had accidently deleted it

as long as it doesn't also at the same time download a copy of the files to the host site, I can imagine that would be quite appealing to some

[Edited on 9/3/09 by Mr Whippy]

MikeRJ - 9/3/09 at 03:05 PM

Mr Whippy, where did that animation in your avatar come from? Obviously created by someone with a rather limited understanding of boxer engines!

quattromike - 12/3/09 at 07:31 AM

Thanks people. I've tried most of the programs you've mentioned but not much luck, the recover my files was the best one it found most of the pictures but I can't view them, it's a bit wierd they come up as thumb nails with the picture showing but if I click on it to view it says drawing failed? I'm not sure what to do next.

quattromike - 12/3/09 at 07:38 AM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
Mr Whippy, where did that animation in your avatar come from? Obviously created by someone with a rather limited understanding of boxer engines!

I think that engine would jump back an fro quite a bit.