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Pay as You Go Data SIM
mad4x4 - 15/4/09 at 11:16 PM

Who has the best deals for Pay as you go DATA (i.e. mobile broadband) need a sim only deal as I already have the modem

rgrs - 16/4/09 at 07:21 AM

Depends how you are going to use it ?
3 have a very good service but the charges are either prepaid per amount of data transfer but with a timed expiry( normally 1 year) or a monthly access fee.

If you want 3G or grps access just for the odd now and again or for a fallback conection lookmat ASDA sims, they are payg with a payg data service provided by vodaphone. You only pay per Mb.

Ninehigh - 18/4/09 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by rgrs
3 have a very good service

Sorry are you mad? I've got a 3 one and they're that bad we're looking for an excuse to tell them to go shove it. To be fair it was alright until they billed us £75 for downloading 6gb in about an hour! Then they can't even tell us how, what time of day etc. They've become that bad we got a phrase "as bad as 3" I've even used it with other companies "are you trying to be worse than 3?"

Anyway aside from my rant if it's the occasional couple of hundred meg (my average overnight at work browsing for about 10 hours) why not contact your mobile provider and ask them? Then you could stick your mobile sim in the modem. Otherwise T-mobile are doing one that's £2 a day, but only when you use it.