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New motherboard
Ninehigh - 25/6/09 at 09:58 AM

Decided the whole comp's had it so I'll be starting again by replacing the board. The old one is running an Athlon xp2800+ processor, does anyone know what power socket it is and did they change it with the newer ones?

Hoping to save a little cash by not having to buy a new psu and tower lol

flak monkey - 25/6/09 at 10:26 AM

It will have the old ATX power supply connector which was 20 pins IIRC. The new ones are al 24 pins, but you can buy adaptors to change between the two.

Its also worth checking the power rating of your power supply. Depending on the spec you are building you may need to upgrade it anyway and they arent expensive...


mcerd1 - 25/6/09 at 10:57 AM

my old one (also running a 2800+) just has the old fashoned 20pin ATX

most of the newer stuff seems to run 24pin + 4pin (or 24 + 8)

you can get adapters from 20 to 24pin but I'm not sure that you can do anything about the extra 4 or 8 pin 12v ones....

and the newer stuff needs alot more power (it also needs to be more stable too)

Ninehigh - 25/6/09 at 02:42 PM

It's a 400w one, but then they're all a standard size aren't they? Might just be easier to replace that part too..

By the look of it all I can save are the tower and the fans... Oh well water cooling system to come

mcerd1 - 25/6/09 at 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Ninehigh
It's a 400w one, but then they're all a standard size aren't they?

well all the full size ATX ones should fit in the same space at least

I used to have a cheap old 750w 20+4pin PSU when I had my Athlon 2800+ and it worked fine (didn't use the 4pin bit)

but when I changed to my 775LGA MB that needed 24 +4pin, so I used a 20 ro 24 adapter
it had plenty of power but was always a little unstable and crashed alot when it was working hard
then I swapped to a good 580w PSU (Hiper typeR that I got 1/2 price) and never had a problem like that again

so now I'd always get at least a half decent PSU (probably with 25% more capacity than you think you'll need)

[Edited on 25/6/09 by mcerd1]

[Edited on 25/6/09 by mcerd1]