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AutoCad 2010
D Beddows - 27/6/09 at 12:21 AM

We've just got AutoDesk Inventor Suite 2010 at work - which includes AutoCad Mechanical Desktop...... you can draw parametrically in 2D AutoCad now!!!! which, if you haven't got a clue what I'm talking about , means you can draw something, set a few constraints to the drawing and then if you need to change one dimension everything else in the drawing changes to compensate.... and as you can now link your 2D drawings directly into Inventor (which is pretty much an equal to Solidworks nowadays) it's all very cool if you're a CAD monkey - a bit sad if you're not

Project7 - 27/6/09 at 07:55 AM

Its not sad, Inventor is an awesome piece of software, unfortunately the company i work for wont upgrade from autoCAD 2004

bigandy - 27/6/09 at 08:23 AM

I started a Contract working on Inventor 2010 a few weeks back. It is a pretty nifty bit of software, especially for producing 2D drawings. However, whe it comes to the 3D modelling and surfacing tools, SolidWorks has it in the bag.....


2cv - 27/6/09 at 11:54 AM

I have Mechanical Desktop release 4, fully parametric complete with dedicated pc running Windows 98 for sale if anyone is interested.