my i tunes is not recognising my i pod?
anything i can try?
has it recognised it in the past, or is it a new ipod?
yeah its recognised it in the past, i just downloaded the new update from the itunes website and now its not working
[Edited on 30/7/09 by omega0684]
try winamp it's free and has ipod support
do you have less music than ipod storage? just resync if thats the case.
just restarted my computer and everything is now fine, very odd indeed, maybe it might have been that i needed to restart my comp after installation
to get the software to accept the update? who know, i don't care, it works now!
most computer faults can be fixed by switching them off and on
personally I still struggle with i-tunes and getting music on my i-pod
Sometimes the service that detects the iPod will crash/blow up/stop working/go in a mood. That's what usually happens to mine, and as you've
found, restarting the PC fixes it
you could always try a univesal service tool.....
I gave up on iTunes as it caused me so much grief, especially with two iPods. I now use MediaMonkey and I think it's great!
Ipods and itunes are crud in my opinion - sonicstage and walkman everytime - you get more for your money, more advanced compression and in my opinion the players look better (especially as ipods have the fashion victim feel)
I had sony for years until getting an ipod.
Never looked back
I use pietunes now because it automatically downloads all the podcasts I subscribed to (instead of having to do it all myself)
Then they go on my phone and I use it in the car/walking round at work.
Stepson's got a piepod and he uses his phone too... Great aren't they lol