is it me , Ive been on the net about 20 minutes (staying power or what) and as soon as I use this site the pages take an age to load up...
anyone else finding the same ?
was a bit slow earlier and I got a few server not available errors
must be all those folk who practically live here pulling down the system, you'd have thought they'd have something better to do...
same here its slow loading the adserver !
It's been fine with me all day!
No problemo here...
I get this problem randomly on here, like now, can take 30 seconds to load a page then instantly for the next one, happens most days on Locostbuilders, never happens on other sites though.
It's been very slow for me recently (past few weeks), frequently taking 20-30 seconds to load a page. This is the same from home and work
(during lunch!) so not a network issue.
It seems to happen randomly, you can be browsing away fine, and then it will virtually grind to a halt for 10 minutes or so, and then start working
I know some BB software puts a lot of load on the server when performing searches, I wonder if this is the problem?
[Edited on 29/10/09 by MikeRJ]